Batton Or Baton: Which One Is Correct?
Batton or Baton is a common spelling confusion. Baton is the correct word, while batton is simply a mistake. Both ...
Attornies Or Attorneys: Which Spelling Is Correct?
The terms attornies or attorneys both refer to legal professionals who are qualified to represent clients in legal matters. Attorneys ...
Lended Or Lent: Which Is Correct?
Lended or Lent refers to the past tense of the verb “lend”. “Lent” is the correct form, while “lended” is ...
Onsite Or On-Site: Should You Use a Hyphen?
Onsite Or On-Site both refer to something that happens at the same location. It’s commonly used to describe services, events, ...
Sueing or Suing? Choose the Right Term
Sueing or Suing refers to the act of taking legal action against someone. While suing is the correct term, many ...
Other Than Or Other Then: Clearing The Confusion
Other than or other then are often confused in English. Other than means except for or apart from. It’s used ...
Make Do or Make Due: Clarifying Common Mix-Ups
Make do or make due Language can be tricky, especially when phrases sound similar but mean different things. “Make do” ...
Definately or Definitely: Clearing Up the Confusion
Definately and definitely are often confused due to their similar pronunciation. However, only “definitely” is the correct spelling. “Definitely” means ...
Role Call or Roll Call – Which Is Correct?
Role Call or Roll Call refers to the process of calling names from a list to check who is present. ...
Dryer Or Drier: What’s The Difference?
The words dryer and drier often confuse people because they sound the same. However, they have different meanings. Dryer refers ...